Ngöndro 3. Frankfurt, 1994

James Low 29-30 October 1994 Frankfurt, Germany Download Ngöndro 3. Frankfurt, 1994 Excerpts Ordinarily, in everything that we do in the world — when we are successful, when we are unsuccessful, when we are happy, when we are sad — every experience, every action that we do, is an affirmation of the reality which is the fantasy arising from ignorance. […]

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Creativity and meditation. Tuscany, 1994

James Low Creativity and meditation Tuscany, Italy One Week Summer Camp, August 1994   Download and Read the transcript: in English in German in Italian Excerpts That is why the start of the meditation—the clear blue sky—is a new beginning for everything. And the middle is a further dispersal of the old, the solid, the enduring. The end of the […]

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Ngöndro 2. Offenbach, 1995

Commentary on the text of the preliminary practice from the Vidyadhara Guru Sadhana According to the tradition of Khordong Monastery James Low Frankfurt and Offenbach, Germany 23-24 July 1994 Download Pdf Contents SUFFERING IS GETTING WHAT YOU DON’T WANT, AND NOT GETTING WHAT YOU DO WANT WISDOM AND COMPASSION Four activities of tantra Difference between tantra and dzogchen Indra’s Net […]

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Buddhism and psychotherapy. Berlin, 1993

Buddhism and Psychotherapy Weekend Semonar in Berlin, June 1993 Download Pdf Excerpt The problem of finding a guru is very similar to the problem of finding a psychotherapist. Psycho­therapists will tell you all about the training they have done and the diplomas they have. Gurus will be presented, wrapped in all sorts of titles, with stories about the lineages they […]

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Meditation in everyday life. Frankfurt, 1994

Buddhist Ethics and its Relation to Wisdom and Compassion JAMES LOW Frankfurt, Germany 12 – 14 February, 1994 Edited by Barbara Terris Download Pdf Excerpts The Buddha’s teachings are radical, disturbing—they turn our world upside-down and shift the basis of who we think we are. Everything that we know, everything that we’re connected with, is still here, but we start […]

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