Dzogchen retreat in the Eifel, October 2006

James Low Eifel Autumn Retreat, October 19th —22nd, 2006 Transcribed by Wulf Niepold (Thurs – Sat) and Magda Linca (Sun). Edited by Barbara Terris. Download Pdf Excerpts …If we realize that our own nature is open and empty — infinite like the sky — that it’s not covered in anything — then from this openness we can say, “I like… […]

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The Structures of suffering. Article. UK, 1999

James Low Published in The Psychology of Awakening: Buddhism, science and our day-to-day lives, edited by Guy Watson, Stephen Batchelor and Guy Claxton (Rider, 1999) ISBN 0-7126-7043-2 Download Pdf Introduction Suffering is something that concerns us all. We are marked by our own past sufferings, and the bruises we carry around in our hearts often keep us wary of what […]

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Personal identity in tantric practice, UK, 1992

Article by James Low Published in Sharpham Miscellany: essays in spirituality and ecology. Edited by John Snelling, The Sharpham Trust, 1992. ISBN 0951829807 Download Pdf Extract I am writing about how it personally feels to be engaged in tantric practice through time and then look at a western model of change that has been useful to me in making sense of […]

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