Welcome to our lineage! Article, Nov 2023

New Translation: Benvenuti! Welcome to our lineage! “Now that evermore people are making use of the website I offer some words of welcome and a brief introduction to how we are.” New translation in Italian by Francesca Fazzio. Uploaded 01 07 2024

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Meravigliosa Semplicità

Ilaria Corti has translated James Low’s book  Sweet Simplicity into Italian [March 2023] You can download the PDF file here. It has not been published. The back cover of the book reads, in Italian: Canti mahamudhra doha   Gli splendidi testi brevi presentati in questo libro sono rivolti all’inesprimibile, meravigliosa semplicità della nostra mente. Semplicità che solitamente viene oscurata dalla […]

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