Dovere, disciplina e determiniazione, 2011

James Low, Guigno 2011 Traduzione dall’inglese, a cura di Rita Gastaldi Download as PDF Estratto La disciplina supporta l’intenzione sviluppando abilità di non-distrazione e il potere di non essere  distolto, deviato o sopraffatto da circostanze contingenti. Gli impulsi possono sembrare così vitali e pieni di vita che noi spesso ci sentiamo maggiormente vivi quando li seguiamo. Tuttavia l’impulso è simile […]

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The Mother of all the Buddhas. Warsaw, May 2011

Commentary to Gonpo Wangyal’s “Introduction To The Nature Of The Mother Of All The Buddhas” Warsaw, 13 -14 May 2011 English with Polish translation The Polish translation of the Gonpo Wangyal text was given to participant. The audio-recording was prepared by Robbie Terris. Gonpo Wangyal was the 11th lama in the Khordong lineage of CR Lama. Download here

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Cutting free without losing anything. Berlin 2011

JAMES LOW Retreat, BERLIN, 6TH-8th MAY 2011 James begins by saying that “This weekend we are going to look at emptiness in relation to awareness, and hopefully gain some sense of the illusory nature of existence, thereby giving us more ease in the world.” The pre-retreat publicity added that he would be looking at “…chöd practice and the dzogchen view of […]

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