100+ Videos

100+ videos ranging from 1997 to 2014,  are uploaded and freely available for you now on Vimeo. Some are organised into the 16 Albums. Krishna Beutel filmed a lot of them. Many are in both English and German. You can access them from the link on the top Menu bar.

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Dharma and personal responsibility, 2014

Download as PDF James Low, 7 August 2014 Buddhist thinking and practice focuses on freeing ourselves from unhelpful limiting beliefs so that we may see ourselves and the world clearly and act with compassion. In order to let go of limiting beliefs we have to see their negative effect and decide to cease from indulging them. This is facilitated by […]

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Learning to swim in the ever-changing ocean of experience, 2014

James Low, 7 August 2014 Written for CAT [Cognitive Analytic Therapy] Trainees. Download PDF  For change to be fundamental it has to address the foundation, the ground, the basis, the source.  For it to be radical it has to identify the radix, the root.  Only when the root of experience is firmly planted in the ground of spacious presence can healthy […]

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Heart Sutra

Translated by C.R. Lama and James Low in 1978. Revised by James Low, August 2013 Download PDF of Heart Sutra in English Download PDF of Heart Sutra  in Portuguese Download PDF of Heart Sutra in German Download PDF Of Heart Sutra (extracted from “This Is It’)  in German translated by Robert Jaroslawski

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General Buddhist teaching, Badowo 2014

General Buddhist Teachings. Badowo, Poland. July 2014 Organised and filmed by Konrad Świtała. Translating Kot Przybora. [English and Polish] “The dzogchen view and practice is a beautiful and effective method to free ourselves and others from anxiety, alienation and confusion. Focussing on the actuality which is always present, although often unattended to due to our immersion in our thoughts and […]

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The Heart Sutra. Emerson College, 2014

James Low Emerson College, East Sussex, UK. July 4-6th 2014 This annual camping retreat in  the grounds of Emerson College in East Sussex  is organised by Huw Wyn. James begins by saying that, “Tomorrow we will start looking at the Heart Sutra, one of the Buddha’s first teachings on emptiness or the natural openness of all phenomena, and then we will […]

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