Ideology of self and the presence of freedom, 2017

The ideology of self and the presence of freedom Read this short piece of writing by James Low, 2017 In English In German The ground is not changed by its display. This display is the play of awareness, of presence inseparable from the ground. The ground seems not to be present when there is absence of presence inseparable from the […]

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The deep and vast freedom of the dharma. 2017

Open the PDF of this article, The deep and vast freedom of the dharma.    …At first compassion arises as an aspiration: “May all beings be happy.” Then it becomes the heart and motive of our practice as we develop bodhicitta and hold all beings in mind. Later, compassion arises effortlessly, as compassion free of reification, compassion that effortlessly helps all beings in […]

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Estar cá presente. Um Texto do tesouro dzogchen de Nuden Dorje intitulado O Espelho do significado claro.

James Low Este texto  do livro chamado “Being Right Here” em inglês  foi traduzido para o português por Manuela Rodrigues em 2017. Não inclui o comentário de James Low que está na versão inglesa do livro. Download Portuguese PDF Manuela Rodrigues writes: I translated the preface, the introduction, the introductory prayers, all the verses, the dedication of merit, prayer to spread […]

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Embodiment, karma and freedom, 2017

Read the PDF  of this article, Embodiment karma and freedom.  “At each moment the doors of samsara and nirvana are open. But are we free to be free, to free ourselves from our habits of identifying with finite entities, and so find ourselves free to go through the door of freedom?”

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Intrinsic freedom, 2017

Open the PDF of Intrinsic freedom. “Doing less we find that we are infinite. Doing more, struggling and yearning, we generate more limitations. Our freedom, our unchanging freedom, is the freedom of the ground we have never left.”

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