Registering for Emerson Summer Retreat

If you are planning to come to the dzogchen summer retreat, Emerson College is now accepting bookings.  Please click on this link for Emerson College. They offer rooms and there is also the opportunity to camp, or park your camper, or rent somewhere locally. You can read all about it here.

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Take it easy. Teaching Retreat. Veciana Nov 2024

Take It Easy           This retreat will focus on relaxing our reliance on habitual patterns of dualistic involvement so that the self-liberation of all experience becomes clear.  We will go through Patrul Rinpoche’s short text Self-Liberating Understanding which is Chapter 10 in the book Simply Being. There will be Spanish translation of the teaching. The texts are […]

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Welcome to our lineage! Article, Nov 2023

New Translation: Benvenuti! Welcome to our lineage! “Now that evermore people are making use of the website I offer some words of welcome and a brief introduction to how we are.” New translation in Italian by Francesca Fazzio. Uploaded 01 07 2024

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Dependent arising. Teaching retreat. Todtmoos, 17-20 Oct 2024

Dependent arising The myth that the autonomous ego is master of one’s own destiny is a delusion that leads to lack of cooperation, conflict and lonely isolation. The Buddha gave us many opportunities to see the falsity of our popular belief in inherent existence. By examining how we continue to believe in ourselves as a separate entity despite all evidence […]

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Additional Padmasambhava Practice Session

You are welcome to join the Russian Sangha who are now meeting on Sundays to practice the Small Rigdzin. Start time is 07.00 am UK time. There is no language barrier since the practice is done in Tibetan and the current members are also English speakers. It is open to all of us who have had the empowerment and also […]

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Wednesday Zoom Dates ( incl. Q&As) Feb-July 2024

Starting in February, James will resume the series of Wednesday evening Zooms. The first Zoom (in February)  will be on Sickness and Dharma.  The following Wednesday Zooms will be Q&As. For the first time we will have translation into Italian by Rosanna D’Urso. Please send your questions now to Milton at simplybeingsangha [at] gmail [dot] com The Dates are: 7th […]

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