Buddha shows the way: a collection of public talks and teachings

James Low (Simply Being, UK, May 2022) Kindle Paperback ISBN: 979-8825841762 Kindle ebook ASIN: B0B1N8PJ83 It is being translated into Spanish by Mariana Orozco, 2023. Buddha Shows The Way is translated into Russian by Marina Samarina, 2024. Click here Будда указывает путь for the  EPub version and here for PDF version. This book contains a selection of edited public talks […]

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Cutting free without losing anything. Berlin, 2011

James Low TEACHING RETREAT, BERLIN, 7-8 May 2011 Transcribed by Jo Féat Edited by Barbara Terris The transcript can be read here in English An extract about Chöd, revised by James Low, can be read in English in German   The audio can be listened to here in German and English Excerpt The  more we do this practice, the more we become aware […]

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Sich losschneiden, ohne etwas zu verlieren. Berlin 2011

Kurzer Auszug aus einer zweitägigen Unterweisung, die James Low am 7. & 8. Mai 2011 in Berlin gegeben hat. Transkribiert von Jo Féat, redigiert von James Low und übersetzt von Vera Neuroth Download PDF transcript “Der dritte Dämon, den wir abtrennen müssen, ist jener der Begeisterung und der Gemütserregung. Gemeint ist damit die aufregende, beglückende Verbindung, die wir zu unserer eigenen […]

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Cutting free. Berlin 2011

Excerpt from the retreat “Cutting free without losing anything” held in Berlin, 7-8 May 2011 Transcribed by Jo Féat and Revised by James Low. Read the excerpt: in English in German “The third demon we need to cut is that of exaltation and excitement. It refers to the excited exhilarating relationship that we encourage towards our own experience.” “Why would we want to […]

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Cutting free without losing anything. Berlin 2011

JAMES LOW Retreat, BERLIN, 6TH-8th MAY 2011 James begins by saying that “This weekend we are going to look at emptiness in relation to awareness, and hopefully gain some sense of the illusory nature of existence, thereby giving us more ease in the world.” The pre-retreat publicity added that he would be looking at “…chöd practice and the dzogchen view of […]

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