Dissolving the root of conflict and war. Emerson College UK, 2017

James Low begins by saying that we live in very troubled times and that over the next few days we will explore useful ways to participate in the world so that we reduce the amount of tension and anxiety that we feel and we can also promote a sense of peace. This retreat is one of the ‘Into the Wild’ gatherings which Huw Wyn organises in East Sussex and we are indeed going to go ‘into the wild’ because the wildest thing we will ever encounter is our own mind! And this is what we will be encountering here.

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Balance in turbulent times [20]. Macclesfield, 2019

Equanimity:finding balance in a turbulent world. Macclesfield, 22-24 February 2019 James Low Charles Lomas organised this annual teaching weekend for the Kun-Pan Ling Buddhist group in Macclesfield. Précis: Attempts to withdraw from turbulence or to control the mind are actions which increase our sense of separation. The mahayana view looks at how our mind is, rather than focusing on its […]

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Estando bem consigo. Devon, 2014

James Low Fala pública, Crediton, Devon, 28 de Novembro de 2014 Tradução para o português por João Vale Neto Baixe a transcrição Olha o vídeo  aqui. … a estrada real para a felicidade e o relaxamento é não acreditar nas histórias que contamos a nós mesmos, mas olhar para o mundo, para ver o seu potencial em revelação. Não tome […]

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