Working with life, working with death [19]. Macclesfield, 2018

Macclesfield, 9-11 March 2018 James Low The Macclesfield UK Talks [19] Sound – Gareth + Wendy We are looking at what being alive is from the buddhist point of view and how this illuminates the death process. Précis: Many different ideas exist about what happens at death and these direct our intentionality in this life. The talk examines what buddhism […]

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“Who am I?” Public Talk, London, 2018

Who am I? Buddhist approaches to the mystery of “me” being “me”. James Low Shang Shung Institute, London Public Talk. 18th January 2018 “The diverse buddhist lineages are united in seeing that suffering arises from us ignoring what is, and attaching to what is not. Once we attach to a sense of being a separate self – an individual with our own […]

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Dissolving the root of conflict and war. Emerson College UK, 2017

James Low begins by saying that we live in very troubled times and that over the next few days we will explore useful ways to participate in the world so that we reduce the amount of tension and anxiety that we feel and we can also promote a sense of peace. This retreat is one of the ‘Into the Wild’ gatherings which Huw Wyn organises in East Sussex and we are indeed going to go ‘into the wild’ because the wildest thing we will ever encounter is our own mind! And this is what we will be encountering here.

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Take it Easy. Emerson College, UK. 2016

Take it easy: equanimity in the face of provocation. “The dzogchen view and practice is a beautiful and effective method to free ourselves and others from anxiety, alienation and confusion. Focussing on the actuality which is always present, although often unattended to due to our immersion in our thoughts and feelings, we come to settle into our ever-present open nature. […]

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