“Who am I?” Public Talk, London, 2018

Who am I? Buddhist approaches to the mystery of “me” being “me”. James Low Shang Shung Institute, London Public Talk. 18th January 2018 “The diverse buddhist lineages are united in seeing that suffering arises from us ignoring what is, and attaching to what is not. Once we attach to a sense of being a separate self – an individual with our own […]

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Our mind is not what we think it is! Public Talk. Tallinn, 2017

Public Talk: Our mind is not what we think it is! James Low 2 Nov 2017 National Library, Tallinn, Estonia The audio was prepared by Johannes Raimond Põllupüü. Although this was translated at the time into Estonian by Kadri Raudsepp the Estonian has been removed from this audio and video recording. Download the audio here A video of this public […]

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Take it easy: equanimity in the face of provocation. Emerson College, 2016

1-3 Jul 2016 This annual camping retreat in  the grounds of Emerson College in East Sussex  is organised by Huw Wyn. Recorded by Gaynor O’Flynn and Wendy Chozom Audio edited by w.c. “The dzogchen view and practice is a beautiful and effective method to free ourselves and others from anxiety, alienation and confusion. Focussing on the actuality which is always present, although often […]

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Collection of only English [EN] Videos starting from 2006

All YouTube videos are here summarized as playlists.Click on the link “Play Video” to watch the recordings. Click on this link for all online Zoom video records. Kindness, fellow feeling and the common weal [EN] Macclesfield, Jan-Feb 2020 Excerpts from “Equanimity: finding balance in a turbulent world.” [EN] Macclesfield, February 2019 The natural condition and the state of delusion [EN] […]

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Staying open to life as it is [16], Macclesfield, 2015

Macclesfield, 21-22 Feb 2015 James Low “The world impacts us and influences us as it flows into us through our sense organs and we influence the world by being part of it, like a stream within a bigger river. We will explore how observing yourself as you are, being kind to yourself and letting yourself reveal yourself is the way to […]

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Finding the spacious peace. Bristol, 2014

29-30 Nov 2014, Bristol, UK Finding the spacious peace present in every moment of movement “Meditation is a means of awakening to the basic space of awareness within which all experience occurs. Through this we can develop wisdom and compassion.” Recorded by John Chettoe  and edited by his son. Download here

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