Reflections on buddhism and psychotherapy. Italy, 2007

James Low A talk given to therapists at the Buddhism and Psychotherapy Conference at the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute organised by the Mindfulness Project,  Pomaia, Italy.  15-17 August, 2007 Download the Pdf Extract All the experiences of our lives are like birds flying in the sky.  Maybe you go walking through the lovely trees here and suddenly a memory comes into […]

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Self as being: gestalt and existentialism. Essay, 1984

Written in 1984 and submitted to Andy Smith [Tutor], as part of the coursework for The School of Independent Studies, North East London Polytechnic, 1985. James Low Download the essay From the Introduction Both approaches arose from a sense of exasperation with abstract theories and structures, which were seen to encourage the feeling that the goal lies somewhere ahead and […]

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Freud’s unconscious and the redefinition of the self. Essay, 1984

Written in 1984 and submitted to Andy Smith [Tutor], as part of the coursework for The School of Independent Studies, North East London Polytechnic, 1985. James Low Download the essay By oneself the evil is done By oneself the evil is undone. No one can purify another. The Dhammapada Contents What others have made of Freud Theoretical approach Development of […]

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Freud's unconscious and the redefinition of the self. Essay, 1984

Written in 1984 and submitted to Andy Smith [Tutor], as part of the coursework for The School of Independent Studies, North East London Polytechnic, 1985. James Low Download the essay By oneself the evil is done By oneself the evil is undone. No one can purify another. The Dhammapada Contents What others have made of Freud Theoretical approach Development of […]

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Traditional western concepts of self. Essay, 1984

Written in 1984 and submitted to Andy Smith [Tutor], as part of the coursework for The School of Independent Studies, North East London Polytechnic, 1985. James Low Download the essay Contents  The Christian view of man Democratic faith Secular trends Naturalism Romantic idealism Rationalism versus idealism 19th Century views William James

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