Letting the mind settle. Public talk. Geneva, 2019

James Low Letting the mind settle: how to find freedom without searching and striving Public talk, Geneva, 7th July 2019. Organised by Manon Widmer.Transcribed by Sanatan. Listen to the audio recording here. Extracts …If instead of applying the concept ‘flower’ we just look and open to it like the Buddha did, simply sitting there. When thoughts and feelings arise we […]

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Eifel Retreat Autumn 2019

The Happy Twins Dzogchen and Mahamudra are harmoniously complementary. Their evocative styles offer us beautiful metaphors which can sweetly and poetically ease us out of our rigid concepts. The retreat was focussed on two texts, the Mirror of Luminous Revelation, a dzogchen treasure text from Nuden Dorje Drophen Lingpa Drolo Tsal, and the Mahamudra Upadesha by Tilopa. The Nuden Dorje […]

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Saraha. Treasury of songs.

Although Saraha had a scholar’s training his style here is to offer a simple sharing of his experience. He presents the ground: the simplicity of the base and source of experience. Then the path: the way to not stray from the ground. And finally the result: abiding at ease in the ground without reification or attachment. There is no discussion or debate for this is not a proposition but a revelation.

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Letting the mind settle. Public talk. Geneva, 2019

James Low Letting the mind settle: how to find freedom without searching and striving Public talk, Geneva, 7th July 2019. Organised by Manon Widmer.Transcribed by Sanatan. Listen to the audio recording here. Extracts …If instead of applying the concept ‘flower’ we just look and open to it like the Buddha did, simply sitting there. When thoughts and feelings arise we […]

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Relax and release. Teaching weekend. Geneva, 2019

James Low Geneva, 6-7 June 2019 Teaching Weekend. Relax and release Exploring the nature of attachment and how to release it. James makes reference to a short text by Maitripa, ‘A Brief Exposition of Mahamudra’ which forms chapter 12 of his book, Simply Being. Organised by Manon Widmer Recorded by Cyril Obadia English only. Download the audio files from Saturday […]

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Mahamudra, as Understood Through Texts by Maitripa and Saraha • Todtmoos, 2008

Mahamudra as understood through two texts: Maitripa’s ‘Brief Exposition of the Great Seal’ and Saraha’s ‘The Treasury of Songs: Esoteric Instructions on Mahamudra’ James Low teaches using his translations of both texts which are also Chapters 12 and 13 in his book Simply Being. Todtmoos, Germany. 20-22 June 2008Transcribed by Sarah Allen.  Edited by Barbara Terris …When we look at the […]

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