Dzogchen: Der ursprüngliche Zustand. Bilbao, 2009

James Low Bilbao-Retreat 18-19. April 2009 Download the Pdf Transkribiert von Jo Féat, redigiert von Barbara Terris Deutsch von Heike Drinkuth Auszüge …Eine der Funktionen von buddhistischer Praxis und buddhistischem Verständnis ist, dass wir anfangen, das Gespinst aus Annahmen zu erkennen, in dem wir leben. Je besser wir die Beschaffenheit dieses Gespinsts, dieses Kokons, durchschauen, umso leichter machen wir uns […]

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Dzogchen: the natural state. Bilbao Retreat, 2009

James LowBilbao Retreat18-19 April 2009 Transcribed by Jo Féat Edited by Barbara Terris Download Retreat transcript in English Download Retreat transcript in German Download Retreat transcript in Spanish Extract…There is a story from the early Kadampa school where one monk went to his teacher and said, ‘My mind is always full of bad thoughts. What can I do?’ His teacher […]

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Meditation practices and developing clarity. Gutenstein Retreat, 2009

The retreat was organized around meditation explanations and instructions together with their background view, followed by periods of practice and questions. The focus was on experiencing kadag, the primordial purity of the mind. James Low Gutenstein Retreat, Austria 15-17 May 2009 Download the Pdf Transcribed by Jo Féat Edited by Barbara Terris  Extract Question: How do I know when to […]

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Budismo y Psicoterapia:una cuestión de atención. Berlin, 1998

James Low Berlín, Alemania 7 y 8 noviembre 1998 Traducido por Isabel Vidarte Extracts En mi experiencia como terapeuta, uno de los campos donde la práctica de la meditación puede ser útil es en la separación del sujeto consciente de la experiencia, del flujo de la experiencia. Es como sentarse en la orilla de un río observando su movimiento sin […]

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Buddhism and psychotherapy: a question of attention. Berlin, 1998

James Low Berlin, Germany. 7th to 8th November 1998 Download the Pdf “Our topic is buddhism and psychotherapy, with particular reference to the central question: ‘How do we understand suffering and the reasons why people suffer?’ The focus here is primarily on buddhism: both what buddhism has to offer to the practice of psychotherapy, and  also what psychotherapeutic understandings might […]

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