Ayu Khandro’s heart-felt advice

“The Record of the Heart-felt Advice of the Dakini, Indestructible Glorious Lamp” translated from the Tibetan into various languages James has taught on this text by the Tibetan yogini, Ayu Khandro (also spelled Ayo Khandro),  in various countries at various times (see below). Read the Tibetan textRead the text in English. The English text is included in Finding Freedom: Texts from […]

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Sparks: items 1-29, 2016

‘Sparks’ is a selection of poems and short writings by James Low on various dharma topics. They can be read in any order. Click on Sparks to read them all. Numbers 1-29 are writings with individual titles. The remainder are brief extracts from talks and mostly grouped by topic.  They total 314, as at November 2016. More may be added later. Click here to read […]

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What is love? Interview, 2012

James Low interviewed by Guido Ferrari when he was in Milan giving a public talk, 9th November 2012 Transcribed by Taisha Lohinger Download the transcription in English Download the transcript in Turkish https://vimeo.com/jameslow/what-is-love The interview can be watched here.

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