Emptiness, equanimity and kindness. Zoom, April 2020

Talk by James Low, “Emptiness, Equanimity and Kindness” April 2020. When many people are suffering our hearts go out to them and we wish them well. This quality of kindness is vital to extend our connectivity beyond the people of our personal concern. However from the buddhist point of view the power of kindness is greatly increased by merging it with the wisdom of emptiness.

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How you see is what you see

James Low, 23 April 2020 It begins: Mum sends you, age 7, to the market to buy oranges, only oranges, and “don’t buy anything else!” The women with the fruit and vegetable stalls want to sell you what they have,  “Look” they say, “what lovely bananas and the grapes, Oh, such lovely grapes – and these pears are so amazing.”

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The Seven Chapters of Prayer: as taught by Padma Sambhava of Urgyen, known in Tibetan as Le’u bDun Ma

In 1981 C R Lama wrote that “These prayers describe how … Padma Sambhava promises to come every morning with the rising sun and to come every tenth day of the lunar month and make himself visible to the people. The prayers give protection from war, disease, famine, difficult journeys, dangerous animals, earthquakes, troublesome yeti, robbers and authoritarian police, at […]

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