7 Line Prayer: recitation and visualisation

Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche has composed a text which James recommends to us as being helpful for our visualisation when reciting the Seven Line Prayer. He explains the symbolism for each of the three recitations according to the Changter tradition. The Khordong lineage is closely linked to the Changter tradition and CR Lama was a lineage holder of both.

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Refuge and Bodhisattva vows

These are the texts used for taking the refuge and bodhisattva vows. English text for taking vows A refuge prayer: Sang Gye Cho Dang German text for taking vows A refuge prayer: Sang Gye Cho Dang. In German Polish text for taking vows Português text for taking vows Russian text for taking vows Spanish text for taking vows

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Google Translate

You now have the option to display our website www.simplybeing.co.uk in a language of your choice.  The website is created in English so the translation is an automatic AI Google translation. Expect some errors. We hope the benefits outweigh and confusions. Let’s see.

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