Every day. Urgyen Menla Medicine Buddha Practising Together

Urgyen Menla Medicine Buddha Daily Practice   Someone is now leading the Urgyen Menla Practice every day. The details are below with the names and emails of the people leading them. 1 – Mondays – João Vale Neto – 7 pm London Time – Portuguese – joaovalesanga [at] gmail [dot] com 2 – Tuesdays – Paula Aranibar – 7 pm London […]

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Dharma ecology. 2023

Dharma ecology. James Low June 2023 If ‘the self’ is following the path then the journey is long and it requires great vigilance and determination to tame and cultivate the happenstance of the mind. If our actual freedom — the openness of the ground — is opened to then the unchanging ever-changing here and now requires no cultivation. Read and […]

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Making Tsa Tsa.

Making Tsa Tsa. I would like to encourage you to engage with the making and placing of tsa tsa images of Padmasambhava, Amitayus and other deities connected with our practice. While making the tsa tsa we recite the mantras of Padmasambhava or the Seven Line Prayer. We start with our bodhisattva intention, then we recall the sufferings of all beings […]

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Healing this wounded world. Making Tsa Tsa and prayers to say.

Making Tsa Tsa I would like to encourage you to engage with the making and placing of tsa tsa images of Padmasambhava, Amitayus and other deities connected with our practice. While making the tsa tsa we recite the mantras of Padmasambhava or the Seven Line Prayer. We start with our bodhisattva intention, then we recall the sufferings of all beings […]

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Healing Presence with Light and Sound

You are invited to look at these videos by Robert Jaroslawski as a support to practice. Look at them on the biggest screen you have. Start with the Guru Yoga of the White A. Relax and start the first video. Open to the sound and the images as they arise and vanish. If you get distracted or find yourself thinking […]

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Questions and Answers 1-5

During the lockdown of COVID-19 James Low began a series of Question and Answer sessions on Zoom. His students sent in questions about their meditation practice, and about their understanding of Dzogchen and Buddhism, in particular Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. Their questions and his responses are in this book.

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The Aspiration for Pure Discernment. A prayer by Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigtral Yeshe Dorje

This short text is by Dudjom Rinpoche who was held by the Nyingmapa in general to be their greatest scholar and the greatest meditator. He wrote and taught on many different approaches to practice. When we approach the text I think it’s probably useful to start at the very end, at the colophon, because it gives us the background story. I was fortunate to translate this text with his guidance, and he also told me this story which is given at the end of the text.

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