Earth Vase project coordinated by Anna Bihler.

Earth Healing Anna has prepared for us these four texts about the project.  She begins, “It is increasingly obvious that major disturbances are occurring to the balance of the five elements within the constitution of all living beings and within the environment we inhabit. The water element has come under attack, and the fire element is overly increasing.  Pollution in […]

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Easy Does It

Easy Does It: Buddhist teachings on letting go of anxiety and attachment  James Low (Simply Being, UK, Jul 2023) Kindle Paperback ISBN: 978-1739457204 Kindle Hardback ISBN:  978-1739457228 Kindle ebook ASIN: B0CDDGSNQY The ten teachings in this book provide a buddhist account of the formation of attachment and anxiety and show how we can release ourselves from involvement in their deluding intensity. By […]

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Q & A Session with Spanish students. Zoom, Jan 2023

Everyday Practice Spanish Language Dzogchen Group Meeting with James Low Zoom 6 January 2023 Transcribed by Robert Jaroslawski Revised by James Low Read and download the transcript Question:   From the point of view of Dzogchen, how is purification and karma addressed? Question:   I have some problems with the balance of compassion and emptiness. Question:   How is it […]

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