Eifel Retreat Autumn 2016

In this longer retreat, James gave an initiation into a tantric mahayoga/anuyoga practice of Padmasambhava together with a full explanation of the practice and how to apply it in all areas of life.

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Eifel Retreat Spring 2016

Emptiness, space and display. How the Heart Sutra reveals the space of dzogchen. All dharma points to the same inexpressible truth. You can also watch the video recording here. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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Eifel Retreat Spring 2015

Doing less, experiencing more. Dzogchen view and practice following the text of Chetsangpa which is on pages 69-83 of the 3rd edition of Simply Being, and on pages 110–128 of the recent German edition. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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Eifel Retreat Spring 2014

Mahamudra & Dzogchen “The focus of this retreat will be on integrating the view and practices of Mahamudra and Dzogchen so that we can see how these systems complement each other.” Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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Eifel Retreat Autumn 2013

The view and practice of trekcho We will focus on gaining direct experience of the open nature of the mind. We will do a range of practices including the semdzin exercises to develop non-conceptual experience. Read the transcripts here in English and German. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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