Love emptiness and awareness. Freiburg, 2013

James Low Public talk given in Freiburg on 13 June 2013 English and German Translated by Robert Jaroslawski Love is often linked with attachment and with the narrowing and intensity which that brings but in the dzogchen tradition love is the energy of openness, the dynamic availability that lets us connect with every situation. Read the transcript here. 19 Tracks Total […]

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Eifel Retreat Spring 2013

Dying and death from the view of Dzogchen “In dzogchen we practice to integrate all experience within the state of infinite life. Life itself, the ever-fresh presence of awareness, is unlimited by any experience which arises, including the movement of dying and death. This involves de-centering but not annihilating the ego” Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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Anxiety and doubt. [03]. Macclesfield, 2005 (Transcript)

Macclesfield, UK. February 26th, 2005 Most of us have a lot of worries and anxiety in our lives. I will  explain the traditional Nyingmapa understanding of the nature of anxiety, the structures underpinning its development, and show how meditation can help us cut through the root of that development. Transcribed by Kevin Lawrence Edited by Wendy Chozom Excerpts Anxiety is not […]

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Direct indication of buddhahood beyond classification. Berlin, 2012

Berlin 16-18 Nov 2012 Nuden Dorje and the Terma Tradition What is a terma text? What is the nature of the mind? James explores these questions, looking at the text ‘The Direct indication of buddhahood beyond classification’ by Nuden Dorje, included in Simply Being and now published in German. English and German Location: Berlin Date: 16-18 Nov 2012 Translation by Katya […]

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