Clarity and Equanimity

 The Waking Up team has released a news series of teachings by James Low. If you would like to listen to this or share this series, here is a link to the series: It opens a 30-day free trial for anyone who does not have an account with Waking Up. James was happy to welcome some people at the […]

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XR Buddhists

The XR Buddhists group, a subgroup of Extinction rebellion, asked James to write a prayer and he was happy to do that since he supports their active initiatives in response to climate and ecological emergencies. Prayer All compounded things are impermanent and arise due to the interplay of many factors. Like a wave emerging from the ocean, forms are here […]

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Video. World Education Conference. March 2024

James was asked to mbe one of the speakers at this conference. It may be especially interesting for people working in the field of education since “it highlights the need for play and relaxation to generate the open receptivity and responsivity which is the basis of life-affirming learning”.  

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Registering for Emerson Summer Retreat

If you are planning to come to the dzogchen summer retreat, Emerson College is now accepting bookings.  Please click on this link for Emerson College. They offer rooms and there is also the opportunity to camp, or park your camper, or rent somewhere locally. You can read all about it here.

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A new Year, A new Book

The third Q&A book is now available as a Kindle and you can buy it here. It covers the Wednesday evening Q&A sessions 11-5. With thanks to Stuart, Divya and Michael for preparing this.

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