Einfach so…

Einfach so… Mahamudra Doha Lieder. (Khampa Verlag, Freiburg and Eckernförde, 2022. ISBN: 978-3-9805251-7-6) Robert Jaroslawski translated James Low’s book “Sweet Simplicity” into German 2023 as Einfach so…  

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Sweet Simplicity: Mahamudra doha songs

Sweet simplicity: mahamudra doha songs. James Low.  (Simply Being, UK, 2022) ISBN:‏  9781739938154 The beautiful brief Buddhist songs in this book point towards the inexpressible sweet simplicity of our own minds. This simplicity is usually obscured by the complexity of our reified experience and the conceptual elaboration we employ to try to work out who we are and what our […]

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The Seven Chapters of Prayer: as taught by Padma Sambhava of Urgyen, known in Tibetan as Le’u bDun Ma

In 1981 C R Lama wrote that “These prayers describe how … Padma Sambhava promises to come every morning with the rising sun and to come every tenth day of the lunar month and make himself visible to the people. The prayers give protection from war, disease, famine, difficult journeys, dangerous animals, earthquakes, troublesome yeti, robbers and authoritarian police, at […]

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Radiant Aspiration: The Butterlamp Prayer Lamp of Aspiration

Radiant aspiration: the butterlamp prayer lamp of aspiration was written by C.R. Lama while in retreat in Tso Pema in India and arose as a gesture of love and longing for his teacher, Tulku Tsorlo whom he never saw again after he had to leave Tibet. C.R. Lama offered 100,000 butterlamps each year with his disciples and this practice continues.

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