Sweet Simplicity: Mahamudra doha songs

Sweet simplicity: mahamudra doha songs. James Low.  (Simply Being, UK, 2022) ISBN:‏  9781739938154 The beautiful brief Buddhist songs in this book point towards the inexpressible sweet simplicity of our own minds. This simplicity is usually obscured by the complexity of our reified experience and the conceptual elaboration we employ to try to work out who we are and what our […]

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Lotus Source: becoming Lotus Born

Lotus Source: Becoming Lotus Born James Low The Tibetan texts in the book were translated by C. R. Lama and James Low. (Simply Being, UK, Dec 2021) Hardback ISBN 978-1739938123 This book focuses on Padmasambhava, the Lotus Born Guru, known in Tibet as Guru Rinpoche.   He awakens us to our own lotus source. All Buddhist practice is concerned with awakening […]

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