Focussing and distraction [02]. Macclesfield, 2004

Macclesfield, 17 July 2004 James Low “If we do not have the capacity to choose whether to identify with arising thoughts or not we have little freedom. Like preoccupied puppets we are pulled by the strings of internal forces and external triggers which drive us into reactivity.  Practices such as following the flow of the breath help develop a clear attention, […]

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Beauty and presence. Gutenstein, Austria 2002

James Low Teaching retreat entitled “Beauty and presence”. Gutenstein, Austria. 21-23 Sept 2002 James speaks about the view, meditation and practice of dzogchen. “The path of dzogchen in many ways is very simple because it is not a path that is trying to go anywhere. Primarily it is concerned with not complicating situations.” He also speaks about butterlamp offerings. German […]

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Eifel Retreat Autumn 2001

The Integration of stillness and movement: the approach of different buddhist paths The recordings of the Eifel retreat held in October 2001 are available in three parts, which you can listen to directly on the player below. Read an extract from the retreat on Dang-wa, Rol-Pa and Tsal Read an extract from the retreat about The four basic reflections (Lo […]

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