Published Articles
So wie die Dinge sind, sind sie bereits vollendet.
Interview mit James Low von Hannes Kronika. Buddhismus in Österreich. Januar bis Marz 2020. ÖBR Magazin online [pp8-11] Download a PDF of the magazine.
Das selbstlose Selbst – Buddhismus und die persönliche Identität.
Chökor Tibethaus Journal [61], July 2016, 28-35
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The Intrinsic purity of the obscurations. James Low (2012)
The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society, [87,1], 35-38. Special issue on Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhism.
Cognitive Analytic Therapy. James Low (2006)
Handbook of counselling and psychotherapy. 2 ed. London: Sage Publications. pp. 317 – 322
Cognitive Analytic Therapy: (Anthony Ryle 1927-). James Low (2006)
Sage Handbook of counselling and psychotherapy. 2 ed. London: Sage Publications. pp. 319 – 324
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Cognitive Analytic Therapy. Anthony Ryle and James Low (1993)
In: G. Stricker and J. R. Gold (ed.), Comprehensive handbook of psychotherapy integration. New York : Plenum Press, 1993. Chapter 7, pp 87-100.
La danza delle alghe. James Low (2012)
In: Antonella Serena Comba (ed.) Il Crogiolo della consapevolezza: persona e non sé nell a psicologia buddhista. pp 86-97. Chapter XI is an interview with James Low.
The text is in Italian and can be read at La danza delle alghe from Il crogiolo della Consapevolezza
Lasciare che i nodi si sciolgano. James Low. 2012
La Cura della Consapevolezza: teorie e practiche della mindfulness, Edited by Massimo Tomassini. (Milan, technice nuove, 2012.) Chapter VI. The article is in Italian. The English original is on as Letting the knots go free
Principios del dsogchen
Cuadernos de budismo. [67] Spain, Ediciones Dharma, 2008. pp 14-16. The text is in Spanish.
Aquí y ahora
Cuadernos de budismo. [77] Spain, Ediciones Dharma, 2011. pp 26-29. The text is in Spanish.
El Yoga del guru
Cuadernos de budismo. [83] Spain, Ediciones Dharma, 2012. pp 16-17, 43. The text is in Spanish.