Our mind is not what we think it is. Video

Pedro has just finished re-editing the talk James gave in Tallinn on 2017, cutting out the translation. Now it is English only. You can watch it here. The little pauses are where the Estonian translation was cut out. If you want, you can watch it with Estonian (or other) subtitles. Trying to catch hold of life and describe and depict […]

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Sparks is a wide ranging collection of short writings by James Low and extracts from previous teachings. The focus is on the dzogchen approach of resting in intrinsic open awareness which is the radiance of our being.

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Dissolving the root of conflict and war. Emerson College UK, 2017

James Low begins by saying that we live in very troubled times and that over the next few days we will explore useful ways to participate in the world so that we reduce the amount of tension and anxiety that we feel and we can also promote a sense of peace. This retreat is one of the ‘Into the Wild’ gatherings which Huw Wyn organises in East Sussex and we are indeed going to go ‘into the wild’ because the wildest thing we will ever encounter is our own mind! And this is what we will be encountering here.

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The deep and vast freedom of the dharma. 2017

Open the PDF of this article, The deep and vast freedom of the dharma.    …At first compassion arises as an aspiration: “May all beings be happy.” Then it becomes the heart and motive of our practice as we develop bodhicitta and hold all beings in mind. Later, compassion arises effortlessly, as compassion free of reification, compassion that effortlessly helps all beings in […]

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Embodiment, karma and freedom, 2017

Read the PDF  of this article, Embodiment karma and freedom.  “At each moment the doors of samsara and nirvana are open. But are we free to be free, to free ourselves from our habits of identifying with finite entities, and so find ourselves free to go through the door of freedom?”

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