Where does it all come from? Austria, 2018 Retreat

James Low Maitreya Institute, Gutenstein, Austria 7-9 Sept 2018 Dzogchen retreat: Where does it all come from? The dzogchen view of the origins of our many patterns of being lost. We will use the text of ” The Aspiration Prayer of Kuntuzangpo” (known in Tibetan as the Kunzang Monlam) to see how the mirage-like illusion emerged, and with it our […]

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Space and time. Gutenstein, 2016

Gutenstein Retreat (Austria). 10-12 June 2016 German and English Translator: Sylvester Lohinger Topic: Space and time: the Dzogchen view of the miracle of being. This view and simple and direct practice frees us from the illusion of being something finite and vulnerable. Download here

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The Union of wisdom and compassion. Vienna, 2015

May 28th 2015 Vienna Public Talk. Speech starts at 0:01:10 and ends at 1:37:00 German and English Translator: Sylvester Lohinger TITLE: The union of wisdom and compassion. Effortless non duality appears when dualistic effort subsides. Dzogchen illuminates the givenness of non-duality by supporting us in finding ease and relaxation whatever occurs. James starts by saying “”We have a little time […]

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