Sickness and Dharma. Zoom Feb 2024

Sickness and Dharma Talk by James Low Zoom, February 2024 Prepared by Lea Pabst Read the transcript here. Extract “Since I have been sick I will say something about sickness. I’ve written down some notes. Usually, I don’t like to speak with notes, but I thought today it’s better because my mind still gets a bit tired and vague. One […]

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Q & A Session with Spanish students. Zoom, Jan 2023

Everyday Practice Spanish Language Dzogchen Group Meeting with James Low Zoom 6 January 2023 Transcribed by Robert Jaroslawski Revised by James Low Read and download the transcript Question:   From the point of view of Dzogchen, how is purification and karma addressed? Question:   I have some problems with the balance of compassion and emptiness. Question:   How is it […]

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Keep it simple: dzogchen in daily life. Brighton, May 2007

Because our life is nothing but moments, events, arising and passing, arising and passing. All that we’ve ever done is gone. Our childhood is gone. We can remember it, we can tell stories about it, but it’s gone. Even our breakfast is gone. Everything is gone. If we really see that, then when we tell people about ourselves, about our past, we’re just inviting them to fall asleep with us. We’re saying, ‘I had a lovely dream, let me share it with you. You can fall asleep in my dream for a while and then, because I believe in reciprocity, I’ll fall asleep in yours.’

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Meditation im Alltag. Teneriffa 2015

James Low Teneriffa, 22-24 Marz 2015 Retreat: Meditation integrieren mit all den Aktivitäten, denen wir uns widmen. Meditation befördert eine ruhige Klarheit, die uns ermöglicht, die Fülle der Welt zu schätzen, in der wir leben. Wir untersuchen den dzogchen-buddhistischen Blick auf das Leben und praktizieren gemeinsam Meditationen. Transcription Lea Pabst Revision Barbara Terris Translation into German A. Bihler Auszug … […]

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Estando bem consigo. Devon, 2014

James Low Fala pública, Crediton, Devon, 28 de Novembro de 2014 Tradução para o português por João Vale Neto Baixe a transcrição Olha o vídeo  aqui. … a estrada real para a felicidade e o relaxamento é não acreditar nas histórias que contamos a nós mesmos, mas olhar para o mundo, para ver o seu potencial em revelação. Não tome […]

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