The Open Door of Emptiness

Although the word ‘emptiness’ can seem a bit intimidating, in the Buddhist traditions it is the key to freedom…. The chapters in this book offer fresh ways of viewing our situation so that we can awaken to our true essence and to freedom.

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Patrul Rinpoche’s commentary on Garab Dorje’s Three Statements

Audio record of the Zoom broadcast 4-5 July 2020 James Low teaches using his revised translation of the Patrul Rinpoche text, which is Chapter 11 in his book Simply Being. The text is by Patrul Rinpoche and is a commentary on Garab Dorje’s Three Statements that hit the Key Points. Patrul Rinpoche’s commentary is called The Special teaching of Khepa […]

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How you see is what you see

James Low, 23 April 2020 It begins: Mum sends you, age 7, to the market to buy oranges, only oranges, and “don’t buy anything else!” The women with the fruit and vegetable stalls want to sell you what they have,  “Look” they say, “what lovely bananas and the grapes, Oh, such lovely grapes – and these pears are so amazing.”

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