Are you in Poland?

Are you in Poland? Do you want to buy James’ ebooks or hard copies? I contacted Amazon KDP (Kindle) who told me you can do it. Here’s how: For Paperbacks there is a Poland marketplace: For paperbacks and for e-books you can: use the link for the UK marketplace: use the link for the German marketplace: Please […]

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Buddha shows the way: a collection of public talks and teachings

James Low (Simply Being, UK, May 2022) Kindle Paperback ISBN: 979-8825841762 Kindle ebook ASIN: B0B1N8PJ83 It is being translated into Spanish by Mariana Orozco, 2023. Buddha Shows The Way is translated into Russian by Marina Samarina, 2024. Click here Будда указывает путь for the  EPub version and here for PDF version. This book contains a selection of edited public talks […]

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