Meditation advice. Extracted from The Happy Twins, Eifel 2019

James Low Extract taken from ‘The Happy Twins: Dzogchen and Mahamudra’. Autumn Retreat in the Eifel, 2019 James Low. The retreat focussed on two texts: The Mirror of Luminous Revelation, a terma text from Nuden Dorje Drophan Lingpa and The Mahamudra Middle Way of the Ganges spoken by Tilopa to Naropa. It also focused on how to respond, as Buddhists, […]

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Healing Presence with Light and Sound

You are invited to look at these videos by Robert Jaroslawski as a support to practice. Look at them on the biggest screen you have. Start with the Guru Yoga of the White A. Relax and start the first video. Open to the sound and the images as they arise and vanish. If you get distracted or find yourself thinking […]

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Meditation and psychotherapy. Public Talk. Lisbon, 2020

James Low. Public Talk, 14 Jan 2020. Instituto Macrobiótico de Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal. Meditation and psychotherapy. In order to be open and available in the clinical setting, we need to be able to drop our pre-occupations and pattern formations. Being present with and for the other, without an imposed agenda, is perhaps our greatest gift. English and Brazilian Portuguese Translator: […]

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