The Prayer of aspiration for the spread of the doctrine

This was composed by Laerab Lingpa (Terton Sogyal) at the Central Mandala of the Jo   Khang in Lhasa at the time of making one hundred thousand offerings of Ten ‘Drel  Nye Sel at the request of ‘Khor-gDong sPrul-sKu Tshul-Lo (Tshultrim Zangpo). Translated by James Low Download as PDF

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The Prayer of aspiration which is a wish-fulfilling jewel

“Wonderful! In the debased times of the final five-hundred year period, a fortunate secret yogi (Rigdzin Godem) will meet with my treasure.  The sugatas of the three times will be his witness and will help him.  See the guru in the form of Vajrasattva surrounded by many agents and dakinis.  They act as his helpers in whatever activities he performs.  If you […]

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