Будда указывает путь. Buddha Shows The Way. New eBook in Russian

Будда указывает путь Buddha Shows The Way. Russian translation by Marina Samarina, 2024. You can read it as a PDF version or as an ePub book. Our  first Russian book is БЫТЬ ПРЯМО ЗДЕСЬ Being Right Here was translated by Maria Shramko. It is also freely available as a PDF version. [in Russian] Эти книги выложены для свободного распространения в […]

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Additional Padmasambhava Practice Session

You are welcome to join the Russian Sangha who are now meeting on Sundays to practice the Small Rigdzin. Start time is 07.00 am UK time. There is no language barrier since the practice is done in Tibetan and the current members are also English speakers. It is open to all of us who have had the empowerment and also […]

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Быть прямо здесь.  New Book in Russian

Быть прямо здесь.  Перевод на русский язык (2023): Мария Шрамко, Россия. Being Right Here. Translated into Russian by Maria Shramko Dec 2023. Download free .pdf file May this text be read, enjoyed and mature in our Russian sangha, fulfilling the translator’s intentions.

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Questions and Answers 6-10

During the lockdown of COVID-19 James Low began a series of Question and Answer sessions on Zoom. His students sent in questions about their meditation practice, and about their understanding of Dzogchen and Buddhism, in particular Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. Their questions and his responses are in this book.

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Questions and Answers 1-5

During the lockdown of COVID-19 James Low began a series of Question and Answer sessions on Zoom. His students sent in questions about their meditation practice, and about their understanding of Dzogchen and Buddhism, in particular Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. Their questions and his responses are in this book.

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