Shine and Vipassana. Extracted from The Happy Twins, Eifel 2019

James Low Extract on Shiné and Vipassana taken from ‘The Happy Twins: Dzogchen and Mahamudra.’ Autumn Retreat in the Eifel, 2019 James Low The retreat focussed on two texts: The Mirror of Luminous Revelation, a terma text from Nuden Dorje Drophan Lingpa and The Mahamudra Middle Way of the Ganges spoken by Tilopa to Naropa. It also focused on how […]

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Dzogchen and its relation to mahayana and tantra. Lahr, Germany, 2009

James Low Lahr, Germany, 5th-6th December, 2009 Download PDF Transcribed by Sarah Allen Edited and revised by James Low  Excerpts: … Sitting quietly in meditation you can examine the birth of samsara, when the openness of the mind gets lost sight of, as the subject is mesmerised by the object and so forgets its own ground…   …Thoughts are very fragile; […]

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Discovering the natural state [1]: Using refuge and meditation on the breath to discover the natural state. Bremen, June 1995

We will look at the nature of the mind, an idea which belongs primarily within Buddhist yogacara philosophy. I want to first set out two basic positions about looking into our experience of being alive in the world, and then relate that to the methods of meditation. James Low Download PDF Karma Thegchen Chö Ling, Bremen, Germany 17-18 June 1995 […]

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