Making Tsa Tsa.

Making Tsa Tsa. I would like to encourage you to engage with the making and placing of tsa tsa images of Padmasambhava, Amitayus and other deities connected with our practice. While making the tsa tsa we recite the mantras of Padmasambhava or the Seven Line Prayer. We start with our bodhisattva intention, then we recall the sufferings of all beings […]

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Healing this wounded world. Making Tsa Tsa and prayers to say.

Making Tsa Tsa I would like to encourage you to engage with the making and placing of tsa tsa images of Padmasambhava, Amitayus and other deities connected with our practice. While making the tsa tsa we recite the mantras of Padmasambhava or the Seven Line Prayer. We start with our bodhisattva intention, then we recall the sufferings of all beings […]

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Tsa Tsa along the Camino de Santiago

The  Tsa Tsa are spreading out! João Vale Filho, the father of our sangha member João Vale Neto of Brazil, made and painted Tsa Tsa and he has now placed them along the ancient pilgrimage path, the camino de Santiago. May they spread everywhere!!!

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Establishing Balance and Harmony: Making Tsa Tsa moulds (includes videos)

One way to restore balance and harmony in the world is by making tsa tsa. Here are instruction videos in English and Polish. Also you can read James Low’s text, Balance and Harmony.  It includes a sutra text highlighting the benefits of making images of the Buddhas as well as a brief Padmasambhava practice you can do whilst preparing the tsa tsa. The videos show moulds of Padmasambhava being used to make tsa tsa, however you can use moulds of other Buddha figures according to your practice and wish. The images that you make from your moulds can be left plain or painted.

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