Consequences of Unawareness. Article. Jan 2024
Consequences of Unawareness.
James Low, 5th January 2024
Read the article here:
in French as Les conséquences de la non-conscience, translated by Yann Leguen, reread by Martine Widmer
in German as Die Tragweite mangelnden Gewahrseins, translated by Jayachitta, with Frank Sandschulte.

With thanks to Shiva for the use of her photo
As the teachings set out again and again, all the delusions of samsaric duality arise from unawareness of the ground source. Spending our brief lives in trying to improve the patterning of our experience is futile since we and the field we inhabit are ever-changing. Moreover, we now have the opportunity to be pointed towards the source. This is a very rare chance which we should make use of since it is non-duality with the source that alone offers the open door of liberation.