Death and Dying, Eifel 2013
Teaching by James Low
Kamalashila Institute, the Eifel, Germany
11-14 April 2013
Transcribed by: Deniz Csernoklavek
You can listen to the 2013 retreat here
James also taught on death, dying and the six bardos in the Eifel retreat, 23-26 April 2017. The text supporting this retreat was The Root Verses of the Six Bardos. The six bardos describe all aspects of our human lives, including the process of death and dying. The Root Verses of the Six Bardos is published in Chapter 4 of Collected Works of C.R. Lama. The German edition was published under the title Gesammelte Schriften von Chimed Rigdzin Rinpoche. You can listen to this 2017 retreat here. Duck, Death and the Tulip is a little video James liked about friendship. A duck gets to know a character called Death who, as it turns out, has been following her all her life. The two become friends, discussing life, death, and what any afterlife might be like.