Dzogchen. Eifel Retreat, Oktober 2006

Eifel Herbst Retreat,  19-22 Oktober 2006 James Low Als PDF downloaden Transkribiert von Wulf Niepold (Don. Sam.) und Magda Linca (Son.). Editiert von Barbara Terris und übersetzt von Kurt Rabitsch Extracts Dharmakaya ist das Gewahrsein der unendlichen Räumlichkeit des Geistes als Ort der Gastlichkeit gegenüber allen Formen, während sie unaufhörlich erscheinen. Der Dharmakaya verändert sich nicht, weil er kein Ding ist, wogegen alles, […]

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Eifel Retreat Autumn 2006

The retreat held in Eifel on 19-22 October 2006 is available to be listened on our online player.  Press play on the tracks below to start listening. Extract: A key thing in dzogchen is to maintain the focus on being present and to understand what that means. When we do a practice like calming the mind, in which we meditate […]

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Calm and clear. Freiburg, 2006.

When things are calm it is easy to disturb them. When things are clear it is easy to dirty them, to make them lose their clarity. On an ordinary level calmness and clarity are very vulnerable states. This is because of the very nature of our existence. From a traditional buddhist point of view the functioning basis of our existence, of how we operate as human beings, is to be caught up in an experience of duality: looking inside we experience ‘ourselves’, and looking outside we experience ‘things’ which are other. But of course, it is not quite as simple as that.

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Dire dell’indicibile: cosa è lo dzogchen? Intervista, 2006

Un’intervista a James Low di Guido Ferrari, Todtmoos, Germania, Giugno 2006. Traduzione dall’inglese di Guido Ferrari Download as PDF Estratti … La visione dello Dzogchen significa riconoscere che la base di tutti i pensieri, le emozioni, le sensazioni, le azioni è uno stato di aperto rilassamento, uno stato di presenza, cioè l’essere completamente qui, totalmente vivo, una consapevolezza chiara che non è né questo […]

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