Equanimity and the pull of the five poisons. Frankfurt, Oct 2019

James Low
Tibethaus, Frankfurt.
One day of teaching

Equanimity and the pull of the five poisons

The power of the five poisonous afflictions (mental dullness, desire, aversion, jealousy and pride) is very strong and each affliction can easily pull us away from grounded harmony into the treacherous security of taking up a position. Equanimity is the great quality of the Middle Way, avoiding extremes. It is the poise dynamically balancing according to circumstances yet without bias in any direction and it reveals the freedom not to be at the mercy of the afflictions.
This was preceded by an evening public talk.

Organised by Martin Brüger.
Audio recording prepared by Marko Jankovic.
English only.

Friday Morning
Friday Evening
Friday Afternoon

Download the audio files here

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