Letting the knots go free • Article on Psychotherapy

Letting the knots go free.

James Low, 2009


One of the factors that makes the investigation of crime so difficult is that vested interests arrange a cover-up. Those with something to lose cover their tracks so that the source of their crime can be hidden – and if possible projected onto someone else in order that they take the blame instead. Detectives are trained to be suspicious, to resist the temptation to be taken in by taking the evidence and stories at face value. Psychotherapy and dharma are also concerned with the exploration of cover-ups and the search for the true causal matrix of problematic experience. Of course, there are many different kinds of psychotherapy and many different schools of dharma, but I hope to set out some of the key themes in the two traditions to illuminate the differing notions of what is being covered up, the styles of response to this, and where they lead.

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in English

in Portuguese  translated by Mário César Rodrigues

in German translated by Heike Drinkuth

in Greek translated by Dora Kapsala

in Spanish translated by Marta Pérez-Yarza

in Turkish translated by Sezen Yaşar


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