The Mirror of Clear Meaning: a commentary on the dzogchen treasure text of Nuden Dorje

James Low  

(Simply Being, UK, Oct 2021)

Kindle Paperback ISBN: 978-1739938130

Kindle ebook ASIN: B09K7W7L7R

This commentary by James Low on a traditional authentic Dzogchen text by Nuden Dorje gives a clear and pithy account of how our mind actually is, cutting a clear path through the forest of our beliefs and assumptions, it brings us face to face with the presence of the radiance of our mind illuminating both its open empty ground and the ceaseless appearance of its potential. This text can be a great support for meditators and shows us how to avoid many of the mistakes and misunderstandings that can arise.

The presentation is a personal distillation of Nuden Dorje’s realisation in a manner both beautiful and deeply meaningful. Short verses show with pithy clarity how the various aspects of dzogchen fit together.

This book has a conversational style, being a lightly edited transcript of teachings given by James Low in Aracena, Spain over four days in 2019.

Translated into Polish and published by Konrad Świtała.  Zwierciadło Jasnego Znaczenia: Komentarz do termy dzogczen Nudena Dordże.  (Uplift, Poland, 2024) ISBN 978-83-965355-1-1. You can buy it at:

Translated into Romanian as Oglinda Înțelesului Clar by Viorica Constantinescu in 2025 and available here as a free PDF file.


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