Cutting free without losing anything. Berlin 2011

JAMES LOW Retreat, BERLIN, 6TH-8th MAY 2011 James begins by saying that “This weekend we are going to look at emptiness in relation to awareness, and hopefully gain some sense of the illusory nature of existence, thereby giving us more ease in the world.” The pre-retreat publicity added that he would be looking at “…chöd practice and the dzogchen view of […]

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So near and yet so far away. Berlin 2011

James Low Public Talk, Berlin, 6th May 2011 The theme is how illusive happiness is and how practice can help relax the yearning for something which is essentially ungraspable. German and English You can read the transcription here Download here

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Awake in illusion. Hamburg, 2011

Hamburg Retreat. 18-20 Feb 2011 “Illusion is a very important concept in Tibetan Buddhism.  We see many things and the things that we see appear to be existing in themselves. That quality of existence creates the basis for us entering into a relation with an object.  Some of the objects we like, some of the objects we don’t like.  But […]

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Four foundations of mindfulness. [11]. Macclesfield, 2010

James LowMacclesfield, UK. 16-17 January 2010Transcribed by Sarah Allen We will be looking at how the Four Foundations of Mindfulness can be applied with conscious application and effort, and also from the dzogchen point of view, which indicates that too much effort can be problematic. You can listen to the audio here.  

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Working with change and impermanence [12]. Macclesfield, 2010

Macclesfield, 27th Nov 2010 James Low “The belief that I have a fixed internal ‘essence of me’ generates my behaviour and believing that there are self-existent things in the world keeps me trapped in reactivity. As we meditate, and thoughts feeling and sensations arise and pass, we experience that change is the basis of our existence. If we can see […]

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