Dzogchen and identity • Berlin, Februrary 2009

James Low Berlin Teaching Weekend 6-8  Feb. 2009 “Dzogchen offers a radical view of personal identity. How we think of ourselves determines the choices we make and sets up the patterns of our lives. Yet, how we think of ourselves is determined by many complex historical factors. Caught up in a web of thoughts, feelings and sensations, we encounter a world […]

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Garab Dorje’s Three Points • Chiemsee, 2008

Retreat at Chiemsee, Germany. 31.10. – 02.11.2008 English and German Translating Andreas Ruft James teaches using Patrul Rinpoche’s commentary which is Chapter 11 in his book “Simply Being”. Garab Dorje was the first human teacher of the Atiyoga Tantras and the short text is variously translated as his three statements, or three testaments or as “Hitting the essence in three […]

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Eifel Retreat Autumn 2008

Integration of dharma: being with others The audio recordings of the retreat held in the Eifel, Germany, in the 2-5 October 2008 are available on the player below. You can read the transcript here.

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Eifel Retreat Spring 2008

The Illusory nature of phenomena: six bardos The audio records of the retreat held in the Eifel, Germany at the Kamalashila Institute on 24-27 April 2008 are available. You can listen to them on the tracks below. You can also Read or download the transcript.

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