Быть прямо здесь.  New Book in Russian

Быть прямо здесь.  Перевод на русский язык (2023): Мария Шрамко, Россия. Being Right Here. Translated into Russian by Maria Shramko Dec 2023. Download free .pdf file May this text be read, enjoyed and mature in our Russian sangha, fulfilling the translator’s intentions.

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Are you in Poland?

Are you in Poland? Do you want to buy James’ ebooks or hard copies? I contacted Amazon KDP (Kindle) who told me you can do it. Here’s how: For Paperbacks there is a Poland marketplace: https://www.amazon.pl/dp/1739938178 For paperbacks and for e-books you can: use the link for the UK marketplace: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C5S9YN3V use the link for the German marketplace: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0C5S9YN3V Please […]

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What is the basis for war?

James has just written new texts which he hopes will help people to think about the current conflicts in the world and respond with a dharma sensibility. You can read the texts here and here in English and in translations.

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Healing this wounded world. Making Tsa Tsa and prayers to say.

Making Tsa Tsa I would like to encourage you to engage with the making and placing of tsa tsa images of Padmasambhava, Amitayus and other deities connected with our practice. While making the tsa tsa we recite the mantras of Padmasambhava or the Seven Line Prayer. We start with our bodhisattva intention, then we recall the sufferings of all beings […]

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