Refuge and Bodhisattva vows

These are the texts used for taking the refuge and bodhisattva vows. English text for taking vows A refuge prayer: Sang Gye Cho Dang German text for taking vows A refuge prayer: Sang Gye Cho Dang. In German Polish text for taking vows Português text for taking vows Russian text for taking vows Spanish text for taking vows

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Aspiring for the Truth of Mahamudra. Prayer by Rangjung Dorje, the 3rd Karmapa

James Low gave a weekend of Zoom teachings on this prayer on 3-4 Dec 2022. For the teaching the prayer was translated into Portuguese and Polish since his book Sweet Simplicity has not been translated into these languages. This prayer is Section 3 of the book Sweet Simplicity. Robert Jaroslawski has translated Sweet Simplicity into German as Einfach so… (Khampa Verlag Freiburg und Eckernförd, […]

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Repelling all troubles. The Dokpa practice text

New Translation: En particular, podemos recitar los siguientes textos breves para avivar nuestra comprensión del Dharma y utilizar el poder de la no-dualidad expuesto en el Sutra del Corazón para repeler los engaños dualistas del agresor. Translated into Spanish by Isabel Defez. Uploaded 15 02 2023

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