Audio Records of the Retreat „Sweet Simplicity“, Berghof, 4-12 July 2022

Teachings and retreat on Mahamudra Doha Songs

The focus of the retreat is on following the Mahamudra teachings of the Book „Sweet Simplicity“ with doing a lot of practice.

“We find ourselves in the intrinsic non-duality of mahamudra by being present in the instant spontaneity which displays the inseparability of illusory subject and object.”
James Low

Jonathan (Jon) Lever has done a really great job of preparing the topics of the individual days of the retreat in separate recording snippets.
For a better understanding of the retreat, there is a separate post for each day so that you can follow the flow of the teaching in the correct chronological order. It is advisable to have the book to hand for a better understanding.

Berghof, Monday 04.07.2022
Berghof, Tuesday 05.07.2022
Berghof, Wednesday, 06.07.2022
Berghof, Thursday, 07.07.2022
Berghof, Friday, 08.07.2022
Berghof, Saturday, 09.07.2022
Berghof, Sunday, 10.07.2022
Berghof, Monday, 11.07.2022
Berghof, Tuesday, 12.07.2022

To download the records of the whole retreat click here.


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