The Mirror of luminous revelation, Aracena, 2016

This text comes from Nuden Dorje, the first incarnation of my own teacher, C R Lama. We believe that Nuden Dorje was himself an incarnation of one of the close disciples of Padmasambhava, and that Padmasambhava came directly from the pure heart of Amitabha.
Buddhist texts often include a history of how the text arose, from whom, where and when. To say that a text came directly from Padmasambhava or from the mind of another great teacher, what does this mean? Why should we trust it? Who should we trust? You come here and I am telling you a lot of things. Why should you trust me? If you trust there is a chance you will be cheated, but if you don’t trust it’s difficult to proceed.

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Die natürliche Freiheit des Geistes. Genf, 2016

James Low Öffentlicher Vortrag. Genf, 18 März 2016 Transkribiert von Martine Widmer Übersetzt ins Deutsche von A. Bihler Lesen oder laden Sie ein PDF des vollständigen Protokolls hier herunter. Hören Sie sich die Audioaufnahme hier an. “…Wir sind energetische Muster in einem energetischen Umfeld im Raum offenen Gewahrseins. Wir sind weder der Herr noch der Sklave. Auf dem Niveau der Manifestation sind […]

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The natural freedom of the mind. Geneva, 18-20 March 2016

James Low Teaching Retreat. Geneva. 19-20 March 2016. This event was also a book launch for the publication of Oeuvres Choisies de C. R. Lama translated into French by Manon Widmer. Transcribed by Martine Widmer Edited by Barbara Terris Download PDF Transcript of the teachings The teachings are structured around The Three Statements of Garab Dorje. Excerpts …Have confidence in […]

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Psicoterapia y Dzogchen. Barcelona, 2016

James Low Psicoterapia y Dzogchen 4-6 November 2016 Kundusling, Barcelona. Read or Download the Transcript in Spanish.  Traducción: María Lleó Castells.  Transcripción: Esther Aragón Gatell The topic for the weekend was: “Space is a central aspect of Dzogchen Buddhist practice and it is also important in psychotherapy. The space between people can be experienced as linking or dividing. The space […]

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The Natural freedom of the mind. Extract. Geneva, 18-20 Mar 2016

James Low Geneva The Public talk was on 18th March and the retreat was 19-20th March 2016 Both had the same title: The Natural freedom of the mind The transcription is extracts from both events selected and prepared by Martine Widmer. “The view of dzogchen points to the intrinsic simplicity of awareness free of the turbulence of thoughts and emotions.We will […]

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The Natural freedom of the mind. Public Talk. Geneva, 2016

James Low Public talk in Geneva. 18th March 2016 Transcribed by Martine Widmer. Edited by Barbara Terris and A. Bihler. Read or download a PDF of the full transcript  here Listen to the audio recording here. “We are patterns of energy, in a field of energy, within the space of open awareness. We are not the master, neither are we the […]

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