Three Aa Practice. Extract from The Happy Twins, Eifel 2019

James Low Extract taken from ‘The Happy Twins: Dzogchen and Mahamudra Autumn Retreat in the Eifel, 2019 James Low The retreat focussed on two texts: The Mirror of Luminous Revelation, a terma text from Nuden Dorje Drophan Lingpa and The Mahamudra Middle Way of the Ganges spoken by Tilopa to Naropa. It also focused on how to respond, as Buddhists, […]

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Tsog Offering. Extract from The Happy Twins, Eifel 2019

James Low Extract taken from ‘The Happy Twins: Dzogchen and Mahamudra Autumn Retreat in the Eifel, 2019 James Low Transcribed by Jo Feat Edited by Barbara Terris The retreat focussed on two texts: The Mirror of Luminous Revelation, a terma text from Nuden Dorje Drophan Lingpa and The Mahamudra Middle Way of the Ganges spoken by Tilopa to Naropa. It […]

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Videos from Berlin in November 2019

Dissolving obstacles to living the dzogchen view. Olaf now has the videos ready from the retreat in Berlin, 21-24 Nov 2019. With German translation by Katia LaVoix. You can watch all 14 videos on Vimeo and Youtube.        

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