Four foundations of mindfulness. [11]. Macclesfield, 2010

James LowMacclesfield, UK. 16-17 January 2010Transcribed by Sarah Allen We will be looking at how the Four Foundations of Mindfulness can be applied with conscious application and effort, and also from the dzogchen point of view, which indicates that too much effort can be problematic. You can listen to the audio here.  

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Immer schön langsam! UK, Wild Heart Gathering, 2010

Das Herzstück der Dzogchen Lehren Wildheart Gathering, East Sussex, UK, September 2010. James Low Als PDF downloaden   Download Audio Transkribiert und editiert von Sarah Allen Übersetzt von Kurt Rabitsch Textauszüge: Wir sind nicht der Inhalt unseres Geistes und trotzdem sind wir untrennbar vom Inhalt unseres Geistes. Der Inhalt unseres Geistes ist Erleben; er ist nicht Selbst-Definition; er ist nicht […]

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Integration in Dzogchen • Freiburg, June 2009

Integration is a central concept in dzogchen: Sleeping Beauty or Sleeping Buddha? A Public Talk offered by James Low at Todtmoos in Jun 11th 2009 German translation by Robert Jaroslawski Videos of part of the retreat are here The transcript is here Download here “It’s a bit like in the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty. After she pricks her finger […]

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A casa nella vacuità • Szczecin, 2009

James Low Insegnamento presso il Drzewo Zycia Centre, Szczecin, Polonia, 7/8 maggio 2009 Download the Pdf Tradotto e trascritto in inglese da Bartek Czajkowski Tradotto in italiano da Rita Gastaldi Edito da Sarah Allen and James Low Estratti  Gli insegnamenti del Buddha sono radicali, inquietanti – mettono il nostro mondo sottosopra e spostano le basi di chi noi pensiamo essere. […]

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Beginne, wo du ankommst • Szczecin, 2009

Drzewo Zycia Centre, Szczecin, Polen. 6 Mai 2009. James Low Als PDF downloaden Transkribiert von Bartek Czajkowski Editiert von Sarah Allen und James Low Ins Deutsche übersetzt von Petra Niehaus Extrakte: “… Dzogchen beginnt genau da, wo wir sind und schlägt uns nicht vor, irgendwo anders hinzugehen oder irgendetwas anderes zu tun. Vielmehr sind wir dazu eingeladen, in entspannter Gegenwart […]

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Trusting yourself • Eifel Retreat, April 2009 • Part 2

The 2009 Spring Eifel Retreat at Kamalashila Institute Saturday and sunday 4-5 April The teaching of Friday 3rd April is posted separately here. Transcribed by Anne Conn Edited by Barbara Terris Download PDF Excerpts …Allowing the mind to be by itself, to roll as it does, is called rang bab, in Tibetan which means falling by itself, like a waterfall. […]

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